Ulasan ringan seputar kota Medan

UPH Medan Business Week 2017

Created. Wed, 22 Feb 2017 10:50:11
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UPH Medan Business Week 2017UPH Medan Business Week 2017

Are you an aspiring business professional ? Are you looking to gain business experience and make connections in your field of interest? Well, good news!

UPH Medan is holding an event that is just perfect for you! UPH Medan Business Week 2017 "A Realm of Opportunities" is designed to help you harness your skills through a challenging and constructive experience. We urge you to join this event which will be held on March 3-5,2017.

BACA : Business Talk di Business Week UPH Medan 2017

Registration is now OPEN until February 27, 2017.
So, hurry up and register your team and get a chance to win a total prize of IDR 30 MILLION !

For more information, visit our website : businessweekuphm.com
Contact Person :
Theresa Verencia (082164620182 / line: theresaverencia)
Veronica (081269502432 / line : limveronica)

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